
Dampness, condensation, and mould can be a common problem in many homes. We will help you understand what can cause this, what you can do to prevent and manage it and, if you are a Fife Council tenant, when and how to report it.

Condensation and mould appear because of dampness in the house.

What causes dampness?

Dampness is often due to water getting into your home from defective roofs, windows, flashings, brickwork, leaky pipework and blocked gutters or insufficient heating and ventilation.

There are three types of dampness that can appear in your home:

  • Condensation
  • Penetrating damp
  • Rising damp

The three types of dampness

How to help prevent dampness, mould, and condensation

Day to day activities, such as drying clothes, cooking, taking a shower and even breathing while asleep, all add moisture to the air inside your home.

It’s important to let this moisture out, as it can cause condensation and damp. Good ventilation lets damp or stale air out and fresh air in.

The longer you leave the condensation problem in your home, the harder it will be to treat the issue.

As soon as you see the signs of condensation, you should first clean down the surfaces with a fungicidal solution to remove the mould. You should then carry out the list of DIY tips we have listed below to help reduce the mould growth returning:

Produce less moisture

  • Keep pots and pans covered
  • Dry clothes outdoors
  • Vent your tumble dryer to the outside
  • Avoid using paraffin or flu-less bottled gas heaters

Ventilate to remove moisture

  • Ventilate all the time, especially when someone is at home
  • Increase ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom when you’re using them and shut the door
  • Ventilate cupboards, wardrobes, and blocked chimneys
  • Use extractor fans

Heat your home a little more

  • If possible, keep low background heat on all day, with background ventilation
  • Find out about benefits, rebates and help with fuel bills on the Get Help webpage

If you have tried these tips, and still have problems with damp and condensation, then there may be an underlying issue that needs to be fixed. To do this, you will probably need professional condensation solutions to fix the root cause of the problem.