
Fife Council will be contacting some residents to check their circumstances as part of a regular council tax discount review.

If there is only one adult living in a property they may claim a 25% discount on their council tax bill, worth at least £250.00 per year.  However, councils have a duty to collect council tax from every household and to make sure that, people claiming discounts, are entitled to them.

Fife Council will shortly be writing to residents who receive the single person discount asking them to explain their current circumstances.  This will let residents notify us if there has been a change in their circumstances and help us to keep our records up to date.  Anyone who receives a letter must follow the instructions on it, otherwise, their discount will be cancelled.

Complete your single person’s discount review online.

Please confirm your current details by clicking on the single person's discount review link above. To access your form you will need to enter your unique PIN number. You can find this PIN number in the letter we have sent to you.

If you have any questions regarding the form or require further information click on the link below to access the frequently asked questions page.

Single person's discount frequently asked questions (FAQs)