
Male victims of domestic abuse / sexual violence

Domestic abuse and sexual violence are sometimes thought of more in terms female victims. While more women and girls are affected this, men and boys also experience domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual exploitation and forced marriage. It is important that if you are being abused or assaulted, you get the help you need.

Traditional ideas of what it is to ‘be a man’ can discourage male victims from getting the support they need. It is important for men and boys to show their emotions; for male victims to be able to seek help without questioning their masculinity or sexuality.

Abuse and violence are never okay under any circumstances. There are specialist agencies who can help.

Domestic Abuse

If you suspect someone is suffering from domestic abuse, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously online or on 0800 555 111.

Sexual Violence including Rape


Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Forced and Child Marriages

Child Sexual Abuse

If a child is experiencing sexual abuse, this is a Child Protection issue.

Child Protection information.

If you think you or your child(ren) are in immediate danger of being hurt, phone the police on 999.

Men as campaigners and role models

There are lots of ways that you can stand up against violence against women. The Fife Violence Against Women Partnership is linked to White Ribbon Scotland and we ask you to take their pledge “never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women in all its forms”.

Visit White Ribbon Scotland to find out more, or to take the pledge yourself. Visit the following link If you would like to find out more about Fife’s White Ribbon campaign.


Publication and Useful Links

See our Publications and Useful Links page.

To report any concerns to the police, call the non-emergency number 101. In an emergency, always dial 999.