
Fife's Corporate Parent Board aims to inspire all  'looked after children, young people and care leavers' and see them go on to live happy fulfilling lives.  As Corporate Parents we are determined to be ambitious and 'look after' them  as we would look after our own children. The Board is made up of representatives from a number of organisations in Fife who could have a role in the lives of the children.

Part 9 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, states:

'Corporate parenting is about certain organisations listening to the needs, fears and wishes of children and young people.  As well as being proactive and determined in their collective efforts to meet them'.

The Act, supported by statutory guidance defines who Corporate Parents are and outlines their six legal responsibilities.

Fife Council is working in partnership to achieve the best possible positive outcomes for 'looked after' children, young people and care-leavers by:

  • promoting their wellbeing
  • improving their life outcomes
  • listening to their views

The term 'looked after' is often used and refers to children and young people who are the subject of statutory measures and are in care.  This may mean they live in:

  • foster care
  • kinship care
  • residential care
  • or could mean they remain at home supported by social work services

Young people who have experienced being in care are just like other children and should be treated fairly by everyone in their community. As they grow up, they go to school and then get jobs, and have families, and fit into society just like everyone else. Many go on to have wide and varied careers overcoming the obstacles they faced in their early years.

They face many challenges along the way and unfortunately this can also include the prejudices they encounter from other people in their community. Our aim is to challenge negative perceptions and create a more informed and positive community where the life outcomes of some of the most vulnerable children and young people in Fife can be improved.

Negative attitudes make it harder for looked after children and young people to have confidence in themselves and to feel positive about their futures.  Like most children, looked after children want to do their best and make the surrounding adults proud of them. By living in a positive environment with people who have positive attitudes towards them, we believe looked after children and young people can and will achieve success in life.

Have you considered getting involved by fostering a child, young person or sibling group, or supporting a young person into independence by becoming a supported lodgings' carer? To find out more, please visit