
Not everyone needs a full Occupational Therapy assessment or wants to wait for one. If you are beginning to have some difficulties managing everyday tasks at home, you might be able to find a solution via Fife’s online self-assessment tool Smart Life in Fife.

The system behind Smart Life in Fife is based on validated scientific research and extensive testing. It focuses on activities of daily living such as bathing, getting around, and housework. It also provides access to a wide range of professional advice and recommendations on home safety, local amenities, and general health information.

The online system allows you to select the area of the home where you or your family members are having difficulties. You are guided through a step-by-step assessment process to identify what solutions might be best for you

You may be given:

  • Advice regarding exercise and ageing well
  • Links to local amenities such as "On Your Doorstep"
  • Links to local and national assistive equipment providers
  • Links to general health information via "NHS Inform"
  • Loan equipment from Fife Community Equipment Store
  • A recommendation that you require a face-to-face assessment

To start your self-assessment, go to:

You will need an email address and a Fife postcode to sign up and create an account.

This website has some links to other sources of information and help that may help you to resolve issues independently.