
If you or someone you know think that you need support from adult social care, a referral to the Social Work Contact Centre will help us decide what the next steps should be. This referral can be done online or via telephone.

This referral is not an assessment - it will help us to decide if you need a full assessment of your needs or identify other options that would best meet your needs.

Before you make a referral

The things we'll need to know include:

  • Personal details, such as your name, date of birth, and address.
  • Daily life tasks and how you manage your routine - such as personal care, mobility, medication, and meals.
  • People you're in regular contact with - such as family, friends, or professionals such as your GP.
  • Getting out and about - do you have people to support you, or aids/adaptations to help you get around.
  • Health - if you're in good health or have any medical conditions.
  • Finances - if someone has power of attorney, we'll ask for their details. We won't ask for information about your finances at this point.

Complete a referral online or call the Social Work Contact Centre:

Social Work Enquiries
Tel: 03451 55 15 03
Online: Social Work - Contact Us

If you are filling out an online form it would be helpful if you can provide a contact telephone number. This will allow us to contact you sooner if we need any further information to deal with your enquiry as quickly and effectively as possible.

What happens next?

All referrals are reviewed on the day they arrive (9am - 5pm Monday to Friday) to ensure any immediate safety actions that may be needed are progressed. Where there are no immediate safety concerns, we aim to review your enquiry within 10 days and let you know what happens next. This might include:

  • A referral to your local Well, to discuss local services that may assist you and consider ways you might find funding to pay for them if you are not eligible to receive support from us.
  • Discussing other options if we don't think an assessment is necessary. This might be a referral to occupational therapy, Telecare, or other service.
  • Arranging a full assessment of needs to work with you to identify the things you would like to achieve and how best to support you to do this.