
Property owners should consider any planning permission when looking at ways to keep flood water at bay.

This is separate to the requirements of properties located within Conservation Areas and/or properties that are Category A, B or C Listed. For properties in these areas, please see the Property Flood Resilience Protected Historic Buildings page detailing what applicants should do.

For specific components, the Fife Council Planning Service suggest:

Airbrick Covers

There is no planning permission required for installing removable airbrick covers. The covers are temporary and there are no permanent changes to the original details.

If you want to install automatic airbrick covers to replace existing airbricks, you will need guidance from Planning Services. You can contact them at

Flood Doors

You will not need planning permission if the components are removable and not in a Conservation Area.

If you want to alter traditional external doors, you need Planning Permission. You will also need listed building consent if the property is listed.

Flood Gates

Many things determine whether you will need planning permission:

  • Are the gates going to be demountable or permanent?
  • What is the construction method and scale?

Individual household gates in walls are likely to be Permitted Development if no more than 1m high. You should get specific advice for alterations within Conservation Areas.

You will also need Listed Building Consent to alter walls/fences forming the boundary of listed buildings.

Building Waterproofing

You are more than likely to be covered by Permitted Development if there are no significant external alterations. Redecoration/reharling of unlisted properties is a similar alteration.

External changes in Conservation Areas and to Listed Buildings may need planning permission. You may also need Listed Building Consent if the changes are significant. You need this for even a simple change to the paint colour of your property. You should bear this in mind depending on what the changes would likely involve.

You should also seek advice where you propose changes to be applied to natural stone exteriors. Even where there is no change in colour, it may change the chemical properties of the natural stone.

Raised Electrics

If it's internal, you will not need Planning Permission.

For Conservation Areas and/or Listed Buildings, you may need Listed Building Consent. This depends on the nature of work, even if it's inside. We will consider this on a case by case basis. There is no fee involved for the listed building application.

If external works are within a conservation area, a fee may be payable.

Non-Return Valves

It's unlikely you will need planning permission if the works or changes are within domestic pipework.

You may need Listed Building Consent if decorative plaster or other features need altered or removed to allow this within a Listed Building. This will depend on the amount of works required to access and alter/install new pipework.

If you are in any doubt, you should contact Planning Services at