
The Council is engaging with local people on the flood study covering Kemback and Pitscottie. This will inform future flood mitigation actions for the area.

SEPA identified the need for a Kemback and Pitscottie Flood Study in their Flood Risk Management Strategy for the Forth Estuary.

As part of this study, flood modelling of the area was carried out to identify the existing level of risk in the area.

Options to mitigate flooding impacts include:

Direct Defences - New flood protection, such as walls/embankments. This will help protect areas and properties at risk.

Natural Flood Management - These techniques aim to work with natural processes to manage flooding. This will help reduce the impact of the flow of water before it reaches properties and roads.  This could involve:

  • creating storage ponds
  • planting trees
  • restoring meandering rivers
  • creating wetlands, or
  • building leaky barriers

These actions have many benefits such as:

  • reducing the effects of climate change
  • providing amenity uses
  • habitat creation

Property Level Protection - This involves property owners making adaptations to their properties to stop water from entering.

Increase in Flooding

Many areas across Fife have experienced severe flooding over recent years. The council is working on tailored plans to engage with those communities, in line with the actions set by SEPA within their Flood Risk Management Strategy.

These actions are documented in the Local Flood Risk Management Plans for local communities.