
How to submit records to us

We welcome all wildlife records for Fife and Kinross. Records of common or rare species are equally useful as they contribute to knowledge of species distributions.

Spotting wildlife, identifying the species and taking a note of the key information is the first step. See the Recording wildlife page for more information on how to record wildlife.

For your information to be useful, it's important you submit your records in a logical format that you (and others) can understand. This may mean writing the details in a diary or notebook, entering them into a spreadsheet on a computer, or filling in a recording form (templates below).

If you prefer the flexibility of recording your sightings online, you may wish to use iRecord. This online recording option allows you to upload your photos to support your sightings which can assist species verification. There is also a phone app. All records are accessible to Fife Nature. Please note you do not have to register with or log in to iRecord to submit records.

We can take any data in any format, as long as it has the key information of

  • what you saw
  • where you saw it
  • when you saw it, and
  • who saw it.

Your records will get confirmed and validated and then you see your record dot on the map!

Use one of the methods below to enter your sightings and email this to us.

Along with one of the above forms, please send us any photos of your wildlife sightings and a completed Data Use Agreement Form (Microsoft Word). This will help us ensure we use your records correctly - more information can be found here: Privacy Notice – Fife Nature Records Centre.

Email your records to