
What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is all of life. It's the variety of living things you see around you. It is also our life, as biodiversity is fundamental to our health, wealth and wellbeing.

What is the Fife Local Biodiversity Action Plan?

The Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP) sets out nature conservation priorities and projects for Fife. It will help to improve the condition of habitats and protect species. It will contribute to restoring and enhancing landscapes. The LBAP will help further our understanding of nature and tackle locally some of the threats that face biodiversity. It will allow local people to take part in conservation initiatives on their doorstep and help raise awareness about the value of the environment. In doing the above, the Fife LBAP will improve people’s quality of life in Fife.

Who is it for?

The Fife LBAP is for everyone who lives and works in Fife, or enjoys visiting the Kingdom. It's led by the Fife Biodiversity Partnership, but anyone can take part. Many will benefit from the actions, including individuals, local community groups, landowners, land managers, businesses, statutory and voluntary organisations, planners and developers.

Everything we do can make a difference. And many simple actions, when put together, can change a lot. We all make use of our environment, so it is in our interest to look after it and take account of biodiversity in what we do and how we live.

How can you get involved?

Anyone can get involved in protecting and enhancing biodiversity. The more people get involved, the more of a difference we can make. Whether you’re interested in creating a space for wildlife in your garden or on your farm, helping to clean up a beach or plant a woodland, or getting involved in a community conservation project, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Please contact:

John Ford, Biodiversity Coordinator, Fife Coast and Countryside Trust (FCCT)


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