
There are various sources of noise and vibration at the Mossmorran site resulting from the normal everyday operation of the plant.

In addition to noise associated with the normal operations, there are occasions when there are extra noise sources. Most often, this is during flaring episodes. The elevated flare at Mossmorran is a safety feature and when triggered can cause a rumbling, roaring noise. When steam is injected to help stop the flare forming black smoke, it can cause a jet engine- like noise. As well as being a source of noise, the flare can also be a source of vibration.

There are also a variety of noise sources in the surrounding area including traffic noise from the A92, farming activities and the local racetrack.

Permitted levels of noise and vibration

The Mossmorran site is permitted by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and the noise and vibrations emitted are regulated.

Certain levels of noise are allowed to be emitted by the plant. There is a condition in their permits that mean the operators must use the best available techniques to prevent noise and vibrations. They must also make sure that significant pollution due to noise and vibration is not caused.

SEPA’s programme of monitoring is designed to make sure the plant and their operators comply with these conditions. However, there may be occasions when people can hear noise from the plant that is still allowable under the conditions of the permit.

Reducing noise and vibrations from Mossmorran

Investment has been made to make improvements at the plant to reduce the impact of noise and vibration from the plant on the local community.

An enclosed ground flare (eliminating noise and light) has been created and new elevated flaring tips (reducing noise and light) have been installed.

Investigating noise complaints

Fife Council is responsible for investigating general nuisance complaints, such as noise, light and vibrations.

However, because Mossmorran is regulated by SEPA, they have conditions in their Pollutiuon Prevention and Control permit. Any noise issues or complaints are investigated by SEPA.