
Climate Fife 2024 - Our Strategy and Action Plan

We can tackle our impact on the climate, and its impact on us, by working together. Much has changed since the Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019. We have made some significant progress over the years, and have almost halved our carbon footprint since 2015. The Climate Fife: Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan 2020-2030 continues to set out our work with partners over the next 10 years. The launch of Climate Fife 2024 identifies how the council is approaching the scaling up phase of activity.

We are committed to action, and the Climate Fife 2024 Strategy and Action Plan sets out our plan for the next four years. We are looking to the future, working to scale-up, going further and faster, and to build on our achievements so far.

Our climate matters. Our Fife matters.


By working together, we can transform the energy system to make it clean, sustainable, efficient, and affordable. To reduce our carbon footprint, we’re:

  • making buildings and homes more energy efficient
  • encouraging people to produce and consume food locally, and
  • switching to electrical vehicles.


Adapting to climate change will reduce the unavoidable impact on communities and biodiversity. We’ll work with partners to protect our built and natural landscapes. We'll also help communities prepare for, and respond to, the effects of climate change. This will include finding solutions to increase resilience to flooding.


Together, we can empower communities to take climate action that supports local wealth and wellbeing. To do this, we’re expanding walking and cycling routes and supporting communities to reduce, reuse, repair and recycle. We’ll also help local climate action groups collaborate and flourish. Everyone has a role to play.

Work on the go right now includes:

It’s difficult to stop all carbon emitting activities. Achieving ‘net zero carbon’ (or being ‘carbon neutral’) aims to ‘balance’ emissions by cutting them where we can and introducing measures to prevent those emissions that we cannot avoid from entering the atmosphere. This is called ‘offsetting’ emissions.