
Flooding on the street and submerged cars

What is Climate Adaptation?

Climate Adaptation is the need to make adjustments as our climate continues to change. We’re already seeing more rain in Fife and hotter days; even if we were to stop all emissions today, there are still 40 to 50 years of emissions that will affect the earth's climate system. Fife will become wetter and warmer with more frequent and heavy storm events.

Adaptation in Fife could be making changes to our buildings, so they keep cool during hotter summers or are at less risk of being flooded.

What adaptation means and how you can adapt your home and communities to changes in climate.


An effect of climate change we are witnessing already is increased heavy rainfall, often leading to flooding. This has had devastating effects on residents of Fife already. For more information on what to do please visit our Flooding pages.

To find out who’s responsible for what, and if your house is at risk, see the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

For advice on becoming resilient to flooding visit Floodline Scotland.