
When very young children, under three years, experience difficulties, it can be an anxious time for the family. It can be reassuring to know that extra help and professional support is available. If you are concerned about your child’s development, you should contact your Health Visitor in the first instance. They will discuss your concerns and, if appropriate, refer to the Pre-School Community Team (PSCT) for further support. The PSCT brings together professionals from the Pre-School Educational Home Visiting Service and the NHS Child Development Centres.

If appropriate, assessments and support can be carried out at home or in other community settings. Referrals may be made to other services such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy as appropriate to the needs of your child. As part of the Pre-School Community Team, the Pre-School Educational Home Visiting Service will also be able to advise you on your child’s development and access to pre-school provision.

Parents can contact us directly for advice on 01334 659407 or