
The current Provost is Councillor Jim Leishman MBE.

The Provost:

  • attends meetings;
  • chairs the full Council meeting, and
  • acts as its Civic Head at ceremonial, formal and other important occasions.

As a result, the Provost has a busy diary and the demand on his time is high.

The Provost’s role is to:

  • promote the values of the council;
  • provide an example to others, and
  • enhance the reputation of the council and Fife.

How is the Provost chosen?

Every five years the 75 members of Fife Council elect a councillor to the role of Provost.

What does ‘Civic Head’ mean?

Civic Head means that the Provost is the formal representative of the Council when hosting council functions and attending external events. The provost will also promote Fife to the wider community through public appearances and through the media network with other organisations in both the private and public sectors to enhance the development of Fife

Why does the Provost wear a chain?

The Provost’s chain carries his `badge of office’ and the badge features the `Thane of Fife’. During the Middle Ages, a succession of Thanes, or Knights, kept order in Fife on behalf of the Kings of Scotland. The badge is a physical symbol of the pride Fife has in its history and the importance of the office of Provost.

The Provost’s Diary

The Provost’s diary can include:

  • visits to Fife by overseas dignitaries;
  • hosting receptions for events of national or international significance, and
  • recognising the achievements of local people and groups.

Civic Recognition

If you know a group or individual who has consistently made an outstanding contribution over a consistent period for their community or has achieved in sports, work or the arts, you can nominate them for recognition at a Provost’s Reception.

Please email the address below, providing the name and contact details for the group/individual and explaining why you feel they are deserving of Civic recognition. All submissions will be vetted by our Civic Affairs Panel and successful people will be invited to the next reception.

Chairing the Full Council meeting

As well as the Civic role, the Provost also chairs the Full Council meetings attended by all 75 councillors. His role is to make sure:

  • all councillors have a voice in these meetings;
  • that all parties have a fair hearing, and
  • that the meeting is conducted properly.

For this reason, the Provost’s role is apolitical.

The role of the Deputy Provost

Because of the huge variety of engagements, the Provost works with Deputy Provosts to share some of the workload.

Fife currently has two Deputy Provosts:

  • Councillor Dave Dempsey
  • Councillor Donald Lothian

The Deputy Provosts help to cover diary commitments and attend many civic functions across Fife and further afield.

To contact the Provost's office call  03451 55 55 55 ext 442324 or email