
The Publication Scheme contains details of the information that Fife Council routinely makes publicly available under the terms of the Freedom of Information legislation.

Under Section 23 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 all public authorities are obliged to adopt and maintain a publication scheme. The purpose of the scheme is to ensure that a large amount of information is readily available to members of the public and to inform the public of the extent of the information the Council will routinely make available.

The Council has given a commitment to the Scottish Information Commissioner to adopt the Model Publication Scheme 2018 and to a policy of open access to information under the scheme. Our aim is to ensure the structure and content of the scheme reflects the types of information in which there is public interest. We will review and update the publication scheme on a regular basis and welcome feedback regarding our guide.

Click the related publication below to view or print the Fife Council Publication Scheme.

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