
The EU Referendum was held on Thursday 23rd June 2016.

Voters were asked: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?"

They could choose either to remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union.

The Fife Count took place the Michael Woods Sport and Leisure Centre in Glenrothes.

The Fife total for the EU Referendum were announced by Steve Grimmond, Counting Officer for Fife, as:



106,754 / 58.6%

75,466 / 41.4%

  • Turnout was 66.78%
  • 272,987 people registered to vote in Fife
  • 1,392 people requested a proxy vote
  • 53,001 postal votes were issued
  • 182,307 votes were cast
  • There were 87 rejected ballot papers. They were rejected for a number of reasons, including:
  • 2 no official mark
  • 29 voted in favour of both answers
  • 4 included writing or a mark by which the voter could be identified
  • 52 were unmarked or void for uncertainty

Please note that we only have one Fife total available. We don't have a breakdown of results by council ward or constituency.

Issued on behalf of the Counting Officer for Fife.