
The Scottish Independence Referendum was held on Thursday 18 September 2014.

The Fife Count took place at the Michael Woods Sport and Leisure Centre in Glenrothes.

The Fife totals for the Scottish Independence Referendum were announced by Steve Grimmond, Counting Officer for Fife, as:

114,148    (44.95%) 139,788   (55.05%)
  • Turnout was 84.1%
  • 302,108 people registered to vote in Fife, which includes 8,155 people aged 16-18
  • 254,162 votes were cast

There were 226 rejected ballot papers. They were rejected for a number of reasons, including:

  • 53 voted in favour of both answers
  • 12 included writing or a mark by which the voter could be identified
  • 161 were unmarked or void for uncertainty

Please note that on instruction from the Chief Counting Officer we only have one Fife total available.  We don't have a breakdown of results by Ward or Constituency.

Published on behalf of the Counting Officer.

Alternative Vote May 2011

In a UK-wide referendum in 2011, the British public were asked if they wanted to replace First Past the Post (FPTP) with the Alternative Voting system for electing members of Parliament. The referendum produced a definitive no vote against AV.  Below are the results for Fife:

North East Fife
Votes cast in favour of YES was – 11,670
Votes cast in favour of NO was – 17,441

Votes cast in favour of YES was – 10,069
Votes cast in favour of NO was – 18,869

Votes cast in favour of YES was – 8,360
Votes cast in favour of NO was – 16,831

Votes cast in favour of YES was – 8,754
Votes cast in favour of NO was – 18,620

Votes cast in favour of YES was – 8,014
Votes cast in favour of NO was – 17,830