
Fife Council is structured into five main directorates, each led by an Executive Director:

The Executive Directors join the Chief Executive to form the Council Executive Team (CET).  Together they are responsible or translating the council’s policies and plans into action.

They lead and encourage staff to develop services and improve delivery for the people of Fife.

Meeting every week, the CET regularly develop new policy, review and challenge performance, lead on service improvements and develop partnership opportunities to help us deliver as effectively as possible.

They monitor our use of resources and make sure the council stays on track both in terms of our priorities and our spending.

In additional to their responsibilities for the services they lead, executive directors each have an overall role as champion for a key policy area, such as health or sustainability.  Together, they and the Chief Executive constitute the corporate management of the council.

Fife Council Service Structure

  • Chief Executive
  • Education
  • Enterprise and Environment (Place)
    • Business & Employability Services
    • Building Services
    • Facilities Management
    • Planning Service
    • Property Services
    • Protective Services
    • Roads & Transportation
  • Finance and Corporate Services
    • Assessor
    • Business Technology Solutions
    • Financial Services
    • Human Resources
    • Legal & Democratic Services
    • Revenue & Commercial Services
  • Communities
    • Children, Families & Justice
    • Communities & Neighbourhoods
    • Customer & Online Services
    • Change & Improvement
    • Housing Services
    • Policy & Communications
    • Fife Golf Trust
    • Fife Sports & Leisure Trust
    • Fife Cultural Trust
  • Health and Social Care (delivered through the Health & Social Care Partnership)
    • Adult Services
    • Older People's Services
    • Social Work Resources Service

For more information on each service, and to contact the appropriate team, please visit the relevant sections of our website.