
To run a caravan and camping site on land in Fife, you need a licence from Fife Council.

Conditions may be attached to a licence to cover any of the following:

  • restricting when caravans can be on the site for human habitation or restricting the number of caravans that can be on the site at any one time
  • controlling the types of caravans on the site
  • controlling the positioning of the caravans or regulating the use of other structures and vehicles including tents
  • to ensure steps are taken to enhance the land, including planting/replanting bushes and trees
  • all sites are required to comply with current Fire Safety legislation. The responsibility for enforcement of Fire Safety on caravan sites rests with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • to ensure that sanitary and other facilities, services and equipment are supplied and maintained
  • the conditions attached to a site licence may be altered at any time (whether by the variation or cancellation of existing conditions, or by the addition of new conditions, or by a combination of any such methods) by the local authority, but before exercising their powers under this subsection the local authority shall afford to the holder of the licence an opportunity of making representations.
  • every local authority shall keep a register of site licences issued in respect of land situated in their area, and every such register shall be open for inspection by the public at all reasonable times.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must be entitled to use the land as a caravan site.  Licences will not be issued to applicants who have had a site licence revoked within three years of the current application.  Planning permission, as well as a site licence, is required for land to be used as a caravan site.

Full title of regulation:

Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960

Please send an email to the contact below for an application.

Failed Application

If your licence is not approved then please contact us in the first instance within 21 days of the date of the decision to refuse the application, you may require the Council to give written reasons for its decision.

You may appeal to the Sheriff against the decision within 28 days of the decision, provided you have already followed all available procedures to state your case to the Council.  Any appeal will only be successful if the Sheriff considers that the Council, in making its decision:

  • erred in law
  • based its decision on an incorrect material fact
  • acted contrary to natural justice
  • exercised its discretion in an unreasonable manner

You may appeal again on a point of law from the Sheriff's decision to the Court of Session within 28 days from the date of the Sheriff's decision.

Contact: Private Housing Standards