
Most people think that health and safety legislation is complex and difficult to understand, in reality most of it is just common sense.

All businesses have a responsibility to look after the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by their business. This includes employees (if you have any), volunteers, contractors, visitors and members of the public.  And, if your business includes food we have responsibility for enforcing legislation and we will inspect your food premises to ensure that you comply with the relevant food hygiene and food standards legislation.

The law is enforced by inspectors employed by the Council or the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) depending on the main business type.

We are responsible for:

  • shops and offices
  • hotels, restaurants and food takeaways
  • cinemas, clubs and pubs
  • care homes
  • leisure and sporting events as well as pop concerts and
  • many other places of public entertainment

The HSE is responsible for:

  • manufacturing
  • construction sites
  • road transport
  • council premises and activities e.g. schools
  • colleges
  • hospitals
  • doctors and dentists

Businesses judged to have a higher risk will be inspected without warning by their inspector to check they are following these laws.  Other visits are made when a new business starts, for a special campaign or to investigate a complaint or accident.

For more in-depth information about Health and Safety legislation for your business, regardless of the industry, visit the Health and Safety website.

Contact Health and Safety Advice for Businesses