Each item is allocated a certain number of units, and you can use up to a maximum of 18 units per collection.
If your items do not appear on this list, please do not complete this form or call our Environment phone line.
The bulky uplift service is free.
Each item is allocated a certain amount of units and you can use up to a maximum of 18 units per collection.
Back To TopPlease refer to our list of bulky items for uplift page, to make sure we can uplift your items.
Back To TopWe will not collect the following items:
A full list of what can be collected is available on our bulky items for uplift page.
Back To TopPresent the bulky items on the kerbside (as close as possible to where the blue bin is collected from) by 6 am on the morning of collection.
Leave items just inside the boundary if the pavement is extremely narrow or it will cause an obstruction to pedestrians.
One booking per landfill collection is permitted to ensure a fair allocation of bookings across Fife. Bulky Uplifts are aligned with landfill collections. You can make one booking during this timeframe.
Uplifts will be scheduled on a first-come first-served basis. 180 booking slots are available Fife-wide daily, Monday to Friday.
Back To TopTry completing the form again on the day of your next landfill collection.
The uplifts are aligned with landfill collection dates. Slots are dependent on capacity and the type of items being uplifted (whether or not they can be recycled).
This booking system is used by our contact centre staff. Do not call if you know there is no date available; we will not be able to help.
Back To TopNo, this service is purely for household/domestic waste.
Back To TopYou can cancel your booking using the Cancel a bulky uplift form, however, you cannot change your booking. This is because resources will already have been allocated to your request.
If you have any changes, please cancel your request and re-book.
Back To TopIf you think your collection has been completely or partially missed and it is now after 9pm on your collection date, use the “Missed bulky collection” form to inform us.
Once you have reported a Missed Bulky Collection, we aim to return for your items within five working days. Please leave them at the original pick-up location. If there is a known reason for your items not being uplifted, a member of our team will contact you.
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