
Fife Council is unlikely to be able to provide Community Councils and Community Councillors with legal advice. It should be noted that individuals considering such positions should seek their own advice on the responsibilities that are associated with being a Community Councillor.

Fife Council provides a blanket insurance scheme for all established community councils in Fife. This includes Public Liability (PL) insurance. Public Liability cover is automatically provided for the day-to-day activities of Community Councils. It also covers some small events such as:

  • galas
  • fĂȘtes; and
  • Christmas light switch on

Insurance documents are issued annually by the insurers, Zurich Municipal. A Summary of Insurance Cover is also provided by Risk Management all Community Council Secretaries. Along with Public Liability insurance (PL), the policy also includes cover for: Libel and Slander; Fidelity Guarantee; Money; All Risks; and Personal Accident.

Public Liability cover is included for emergency or community resilience activities previously agreed with the Council and not involving mechanised equipment. The Community Council should let the Risk Management Team know, so they can inform the insurers.

Additional insurance will be required if planning an event that exceeds 500 attendees or involves fireworks, bonfires and play inflatables. Please refer to the Summary of Insurance Cover for a copy of the Special Event Enquiry form. This should be completed to apply for additional cover. You can send your PL events cover application, or declare new or existing resilience activities not already declared, by contacting

It is for the Community Council to assure themselves that the cover provided adequately meets their requirements. Community Councils are advised that they must contact and so that insurance cover can be cancelled. if they have any doubt as to the appropriateness of their insurance cover. They may decide to withdraw from the 'blanket' scheme and make arrangements for their own insurance.