
A safe and secure home is the best base to build and live our lives, and we look to secure this housing outcome as quickly as possible, through our Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP).

Where homelessness cannot be prevented, Rapid Rehousing means:

  • A settled, mainstream housing outcome as quickly as possible
  • Time spent in any form of temporary accommodation reduced to a minimum, with the fewer transitions the better
  • When temporary accommodation is needed, the best option is mainstream, furnished and within a community
  • Housing First should be the first response for people with multiple disadvantages and enduring complex needs
  • Specialist provision of shared, supported and trauma informed environments should be provided if mainstream housing is not possible

Our Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan sets out the five-year direction of travel for housing access and homelessness, and all associated services, to transform housing and support options for those that are homeless or living in vulnerable housing situations.

Projects included in the RRTP are:

  • Housing First (facilitated by the Rock Trust)
  • Hunter House Core & Cluster project to support older people
  • Conversion of Fife Council Homeless Hostels to include support services
  • Prevention of Homelessness and Early intervention to single, under the age of 35, customers
  • Converting Temporary accommodation properties to secure tenancies
  • Review of rent deposit scheme managed through our public social partnership
  • Private Rented Sector resilience fund to assist threats of homelessness working with tenants and landlords
  • Additional assistance to secure housing in the private rented sector
  • Establishing housing access hubs to provide quality information and advice
  • Funding to support innovation and tenancy sustainment

The projects in the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan are monitored by the Ending Homelessness Together Programme Board.