
Ours is a small school near the Town Centre of Glenrothes in Fife. We can access learning in a variety of local community settings all within a short walk from the school building. Our school bus affords us opportunities to learn at a distance from the school and allows each child to enjoy Fife's impressive variety of natural terrain - beach, woodland, parks, ponds, hills - and assorted weather conditions to add interest!

We moved into this building in 1997 after considerable renovation works were undertaken to bring it to a standard to offer excellent facilities to children and young people with additional support needs who cannot access education in mainstream schools. Within the building are rooms that can be used very flexibly to offer education designed round the needs of each individual. Although Communication and Life Skills based our curriculum is broad, varied and exciting.

The aim of the school is to allow each individual to develop their own abilities in their own way, to their own limits, as a whole person. This allows each child or young person to operate as effectively as possible in their own environment.

John Fergus School is currently working towards a number of Awards through which pupils learn about care of their environment, communication, equality and fairness, health and wellbeing. Parents are very much involved in their children's education and are welcome in school throughout the term. We value the partnership that develops as Teachers and Parents meet to design and discuss the curriculum for each child.

We welcome visits to our community and would be delighted to give interested people a guided tour.

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