

Jan 2015


School Roll


No. of Classes


Age Range of pupils

3 -18

Nursery classes


Secondary school

2 Primary 2 Secondary

Parent Council


Support Centre


Disabled access


Kilmaron School is located in Cupar and serves the Northeast of Fife. The pupils who attend the school have complex  additional support needs. The school is part of the continuum of provision for pupils by Fife Council Education Department.

The school is set in attractive grounds that have recently been developed to offer integrated play. Smooth pathways for wheelchairs and large adventure play equipment offers different experiences for the pupils.

Kilmaron was built in 1964 and over the years has been extended. Recent improvements include a fenced play area, new toilets and changing areas, new heating and fire alarm system.

The school provides small group settings to meet the needs of pupil. It is well equipped to provide care for pupils who have a physical disability. The main focus is to provide the best education possible for all the children who attend.

Pupils can be between the ages of 3-18 years. The school day starts at 9am and pupils leave at 3pm. An extended day for secondary pupils is under review.

Kilmaron has qualified, experienced and committed staff teams.

We provide a varied and relevant broad based curriculum incorporating all the elements of the elaborated 5-14 Curriculum, Access 1 modules and sensory curriculum. We have started to incorporate elements of the Curriculum for Excellence and Health Promoting Schools. We are developing our programme to be an Eco friendly school.

The school team is supported and works in a collaborative way with other specialists such as Speech Therapy; Psychologist; Occupational Therapist; School Doctor / Nurse. We have a Visiting Teacher Service for Drama, Music and Art.

We have our own school bus. Pupils can go horse riding and swimming. Activities and outdoor pursuits, where they meet new people and are faced with new situations, are linked with personal development.

Some pupils attend some of their week at their local school and we have plans to extend the links with Castlehill, St Columbas and Bell Baxter High School. Two pupils attend Tayport Primary.

When pupils leave school they can go on to Elmwood College, Dalgairn Centre or a specific facility  to meet their needs.

The school operates an open door policy where parents, who are fully involved in the educational process, can air wishes and express any concerns.

We have established links with the local community and hope to extend these with the Parent Council. We link with RAF Leuchars, Rotary Club, Cupar Art Club and St James Church– the Chaplin attends our weekly assemblies.

Over the past months we have extended our interests outside the classroom and built on the good practice that had already been established.