
If you are looking for information on the services we provide, you can find details online at Health and Social Care | Fife Council. If you don’t have a computer you can use one at your library or local office.

There are a number of social work leaflets that provide information on specific services, how they are provided, any charges involved and eligibility criteria. You can pick these up in libraries, local offices, download them from or request one from our contact centre.

New Contacts and Referral Arrangements

Anyone seeking advice or support from Social Work Service for the very first time can either:-

  1. Check for services available and complete an e-form request. This is for low level queries such as information on services such as Meals on Wheels or support in their local community e.g. Carers Centre.
  2. Call Social Work Service Contact Centre on 03451 551503.  From the simplest request through to more complex, sensitive situations our team will be able to ensure the right care, support and attention is provided.
  3. Visit the Local Office in Durie Street, Leven.  Here they can speak to an advisor who will:
    1. provide advice and support on how to access Social Work services
    2. work with other council services and agencies and;
    3. link with local people, councillors and services to help access services or support that is tailored to the individual.

Members of the public can only visit Carberry House by appointment.

Existing Service Users

If you are an existing service user you may already have an allocated Social Work Service member of staff.  You can continue to contact them on the direct number they will have provided to you. You will still be able to make appointments or seek help and advice at a time and place that suits you.