
We provide a Community Support Service for adults with physical or learning difficulties from our centre in Leven.

Our aims and objectives

We are committed to providing a range of support services that respond in a planned, flexible way to meet the needs of individuals who have a learning disability and their carers.

Our main aim is to enable people to live as independent a life as possible in their own home and local community.

We will:

  • continue working with people using the centre to make the most of the opportunities for community participation
  • continue to work with other organisations and projects
  • raise the profile of the Robert Gough Centre, with people who use the centre, parents and carers
  • review our work on an ongoing basis so that we continue to improve the quality of service we provide
  • empower the people using our centre
  • develop and improve links with parents, carers and any outside agencies for the benefit of people who use the centre

What do we do?

Groups from the centre are involved in a variety of projects including:

Environmental projects

Everything from working to maintain and upgrade of the Fife Coastal Path from Leven to St. Andrews, to litter picking on various beaches, making and installing signs and way markers with the Fife Rangers Service, to our community garden, woodland projects and woodworking.

The Arts

We encourage people to experiment and explore their own ideas and imagination through Art. It could be 3D modelling, model making, clay work, papier mache, sewing or 2D painting in oils, acrylics and watercolours or picture framing. We also have various groups involved in drama, singing and performing.

Education and skills

We have strong links with local schools and colleges and many of their tutors come in to the centre to teach everything from jewellery making, art and crafts to  literacy, numeracy and computing.

Life Skills

We work with people in the centre to teach them day-to-day life skills including money skills, road safety, self-care, food and fitness.

How do I find out more?

Speak to someone in your local social work office or contact the centre manager on the number listed. We always offer any prospective user of the centre a trial and transition period covering anything from two to three months.