
Major works at Lochgelly South PS

The school roll at Lochgelly South has been steadily increasing and will continue to rise for some time. To make room for any future pupils, we will be installing a modular unit to house the nursery and increase the space available at the school.

To do this, it has been necessary to carry out ground remediation works which it was estimated would take a year to complete. During that time, the school buildings can not be used. The children have been continuing their learning at St Kenneth's RC Primary school since before the works began in August 2023.

The external grouting works went very well and were completed by an external contractor at the end of November 2023. This was ahead of schedule and gave Building Services early access to the building to start stripping out in preparation for the refurbishment phase.

For more information, you can look at our Sway presentation on the Lochgelly South PS works here which describes the project in detail. You can also get all the latest information on progress in our most recent newsletter and check out the FAQs below:

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Lochgelly South PS

St Kenneths PS