Multi-Activity Programmes

Fife outdoor education

Multi-Activity Days

Onsite or Offsite activities available

For more information and bookings, please contact the OE Centre on 01592 583388, or at

Multi-Day Activity Programme

P6-7 & Secondary (Tuesday-Thursday most weeks, same group to attend all 3 days)

3 activity days that are engaging and can complement your indoor learning.

These days can be booked to help with completing Natural Connections, or as a standalone programme.

“Being outdoors and active is a vital part of growing up and living a healthy and fulfilled life. Outdoor learning benefits children, young people and adults alike. It engages our hearts through what we feel and the emotions we experience; our heads through what we think, see and say; and our hands through our physical experiences including how we move through the space the outdoors provides.” 

Group size    Programme cost

Up to 10 with 1 instructor  £250 + mileage

Up to 20 with 2 instructors  £500 + mileage

Up to 30 with 3 instructors  £750 + mileage

Secondary Age Groups

In addition to the programmes outlined many secondary school programmes are designed specifically to suit the needs of each group.

Sessions with Outdoor Education Fife are most effective when part of a planned and progressive programme that last several weeks or over the course of a school year linking with curriculum, social or wider achievement outcomes Some recent examples are:

Natural Connections Level 1, 2 or 3

Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions

Flexible Curriculum programmes

7 Habits programmes

Outdoor Learning Electives

Youth Achievement/Dynamic Youth

We have a number of very successful programmes with DAS groups.

Outdoor Learning is already embedded in Curriculum for Excellence; across all subjects, at all levels, within the Learning for Sustainability entitlement, the improvement planning and inspection process and GTCS standards. Learning outdoors can impact on health and wellbeing, literacy, numeracy, and most significantly for those under attaining through traditional classroom learning activities.

outdoor learning is an approach which often works well to help re-engage children and young people with education or developing skills for work.

The team at Outdoor Education Fife has experience planning and delivering programmes in this field and can work alongside staff to develop suitable programmes for your young people.

Cost corresponds to Primary Programmes, but max total group size may vary depending on activity and group.

Onsite Summer

Specific programme details to be discussed with your instructor.

Activities may include;

Watersports - SUP, Kayak, Canoe, Raft Building, Katakanu, Sailing


Island Adventure

Adventure Walk

Team Challenges/Working Together


Activities can be delivered at Lochore Meadows Country Park or in your School's Local Area/Woodland

Onsite Winter

Specific programme details to be discussed with your instructor.

Activities may include;

Watersports - Katakanu, Rafted Canoes


Island Adventure

Adventure Walk

Team Challenges/Working Together


Activities can be delivered at Lochore Meadows Country Park or in your School's Local Area/Woodland

Offsite Activity

Specific programme details to be discussed with your instructor.

Activities may include;

Kayaking Sea, River, Loch

Canoeing Sea, River, Loch

Paddleboarding Sea, River, Loch




Climbing Indoor & Outdoor




* Not over winter