Active Fife Sport Stars

Active Fife - a way of life


The SportsSTARS programme is a sports participation programme which runs across Fife. All sessions are led by qualified and PVG registered coaches. The sessions are designed so that children can develop in their sports skills in a fun and safe environment.

If cost is a barrier, please get in touch so that we can cover the cost for you and enable everyone to participate in sport

BOOKINGS  – All bookings must be made in advance online

(each session must be booked individually to guarantee your space)

Your Sports STARS Session


All sessions are led by qualified and PVG registered coaches. The sessions are designed so that children can develop in their sports skills in a fun and safe environment.

What to wear

Comfortable clothing should be worn to your session - Shorts/trackies/leggings, t-shirt, trainers

What to bring

A full water bottle should be taken to the activity session. This should not be shared with others. Ensure you take all your belongings with you at the end of the session.

Before leaving home and after you return

Please make sure your child goes to the toilet before coming along to the session as toilets. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20seconds before leaving home and when you return.


All equipment will be cleaned and wiped down after each session.

Travelling to and from the venue

Why not walk, wheel or cycle to your session?

Stay up to date

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For more information please contact Active Fife on